Dillon Matchett Software Developer

My Expertise

A software developer currently working for the Canadian federal government. Experience in small startups and larger teams as a scrum master, CI/CD expert, and full-stack developer. Further dedicating leisure time to open source and publicly available personal projects. Full resume available on request.



I'm an expert in setting up automated testing and integration for even the strangest pipelines. Everything from modern react frameworks to legacy high-performance computing Fortran / CUDA, I've gotten testing and building.


Professionally working in Typescript, however, I have a strong background in lower level languages like C++. I am also a proficient bash scripter, building plenty of in-house tools and scripts to optimize and automate complex workflows.


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I work on numerous hobby projects that keep me busy. I'm a maintainer for the open-source game Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead and release open-source pen and paper role playing games under the Bombastic Games brand. I'm passionate about free software, and think that after everything I've gained from free software there is value in contributing back.